Phoenix Vision, Inc. uniquely addresses the current needs to increase advertising revenue with an “active” digital signage technology solution featuring anonymous viewer analytics. Phoenix Vision Inc.’s concept rests on three fundamental pillars:
1) the need for newspapers to create additional profitable revenue
2) the need for advertisers to better predict the demographics of their sales through an active approach
3) the need to increase the efficiency of retail stores by utilizing in store screens to advertise their own products and services to the proper target audience at the optimal time and location.
Phoenix Vision, Inc.’s integrated “active” digital signage application uses available Internet technologies and enhanced demographic capture technologies to create a disruptively superior source of advertising revenue for businesses.
Phoenix Vision offers a significant additional revenue source with a minimal increase in staff and other expenses by installing and running digital out of home in store advertising for business.
Advertisers Need to Understand Sales Demographics
Advertisers need to have a better understanding of the demographics of their sales
Advertisers typically passively display video or print advertising as a means of informing customers of the value of the targeted products. This passive approach often reaches the customers without any feedback as to the type of customer or their interest in the product.
By enhancing digital signage to include “active” elements such as number of views by customers, length of view, sex, age-range, location, and time, the advertiser can use its video to target the most likely customers at the right time and place. This real-time analytics based advertising allows advertiser to track and target their ad campaigns to create new revenue and improve their profitability.
Enhanced Effectiveness of Retail Stores
Retail chains act as the platform for the sale of many kinds of products and services.
The Phoenix Vision, Inc. system allows stores to advertise their private label products and specials and to develop cost efficient strategies to target their retail customers with appropriate advertising at the right time.
Phoenix Vision, Inc. technology in retail outlets enhances both knowledge of the customer as well as efficient allocation of products to shelf space.
A portion of the ad space playing time is reserved for use by the retail store in order to realize these benefits of increased customer information and efficient product allocation.